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2023 Events and Activities

The LAHS committee work hard to create a fun full year to raise awareness and interest in our local heritage. 
WE NEED YOUR HELP .. we NEED more volunteers – please help us.

WINTER TALKS 2022 – 2023: 
A full programme of talks was held between November and April 2023 following the formation of the new committee after the Covid suspension of activities
We are(mostly) in our new home in the Oak Room at Rockfield Centre, on the second Saturday afternoon of each month.

We would love to record these lectures better in the future – is there anyone with the technical knowhow who can help us do better than just pointing a phone at the screen ? 

SUMMER ACTIVITIES – these need to be booked seperately.
Some events will have limited places, and membership of the society may be required for insurance etc. .

June 2023 Heritage visit : 2nd June all day – Mull Historical and Archaeological Society invite LAHS members to join them on their mainland guided visit to Dunstaffnage castle and Ardchattan Priory

June 2023 Saturday 10th ! 60th Anniversary Tea Party ! Join us in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Society : Party at Dunollie with Cake ! and a VERY special guest : Professor Tony Pollard, Professor of Conflict History and Archaeology (History) at Glasgow University is joining us. He started his archaeological passion with Charles Hunter and LAHS. 

August 2023 : Thursday 24th : Argyllshire Gathering Heritage tent – a fun filled day sharing the heritage tent with so many other heritage organisations.
Followed by Archaeology Scotland led Introduction to Field Archaeology workshop outside on and a desktop workshop

September 2023 : What is our local heritage ? : digital engagement exploring our local heritage with you all on social media, to share the wealth of our history, places, people, stories. as part of the Scottish Archaeology Month        How much of our amazing heritage can we explore together : We want to populate this website with our history : can you help with writing, editing website, images, ideas  ? 

Winter lecture series starts : booking details here  .       
held on the second Saturday of the month, 2.30pm at Rockfield Centre, Oban unless stated. 

October 14th – ‘Clans, Conflict and Culture in Rannoch in the Later Middle Ages’ Martin MacGregor, senior Scottish History Lecturer at Glasgow University

November 11th  (Oban Firestation) : v. Brief AGM : followed by Oban Slideshow with Bob McCulloch – Oban at War 

  •  St Conans Kirk Christmas Tree festival :  60th Anniversary celebration tree entry

December 9th : Mary Braithwaite : Exploring the Archaeology of Luing 

Full winter lecture series for 2023-24 is here 

Do you have ideas for future winter talks and next summers plans? <“Email Us“>We would love to hear from you.