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AGM 2023 Minutes

    Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society
    The aim of the Society is to foster interest in the archaeology and history
    of the area and help to increase our knowledge of the past.

    Minutes of LAHS AGM 11th November 2023
    Oban Fire Station 2.30pm

    1. Welcome
    2. Apologies for absence (+any from the floor) : Ross Christie, Elaine Robertson

    3. Minutes from previous AGM 2022 held Saturday 12th NOVEMBER, 2022 previously circulated.
    Proposed by Heather McLean
    Seconded by Jamie MacGregor
    4. Matters arising – None.

    5. Report from the new committee : powerpoint presentation, recorded and online
    6. accounts approved :
    Any questions ? No
    Proposed by Heather McLean / Seconded by Jamie MacGregor

    7. Elections of Officebearers and Committee. Elected en bloc, no new volunteers

    Chair : Jill Bowis
    Secretary : (shared)
    Treasurer : Cherry Loughridge
    Committee : Heather McLean (membership sec)
    Jamie MacGregor
    Florence Medard

    Proposed by Jamie MacGregor Seconded by Caroline Boswell

    Appointment of New Honorary members : Alison Blackwood
    in recognition and grateful thanks for her many years service to the society

    Membership : The rates of £10 single and £15 couple/family will remain the same.
    8. AOCB – no questions raised

    Date of next years AGM (Saturday 8th November 2023)
    Meeting closed