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    Dear LAHS Members and Friends

    Once again Bob McCulloch and his incredibly popular Oban slideshow is the main attraction for this months Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society meeting this Saturday 9th November, 2.30pm, Rockfield Centre, Oban preceded by the shortest possible AGM 

    Bob will be taking us around the area through his amazing collection of postcards, photographs, memories and history. 

    We are renowned for our very speedy AGMs.. 
    LAHS has had a busy time since last November, even if we did not get as much done this summer as we would like.
    The new membership and attendance at talks etc has been really heartening and inspiring.  
    Our bank balance is healthy and grown this year. We are grateful for everyone’s continued interest and support. We have funds to invest in future activities if there is the willingness of a few more to help make things happen. 
    In place of a long winded report please see the presentation of our activities below

    LAHS needs YOUR HELP .. the youngsters who joined the committee to keep the society going in 2022 have had to step aside this year as their work, family, and educational demands leave them no time to support LAHS with the simple admin, event organising, and website development we need help with to fulfil the basics of the winter lecture series, take the opportunities and develop the society activities. 
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE volunteer. – LAHS needs YOU. 

    We do have a Chair and Treasurer who are also busy busy working people with other volunteer responsibilities, both committed to keeping this amazing society going. However we are not able to keep things going alone, we are doing the best we can. 
    We have a new committee volunteer who is going to work with our wonderful supporters at Archaeology Scotland to organise practical field archaeology activities and walks next year – she will welcome more help and suggestions. 
    We have a new committee member who can help with the technical and practical needs at events and talks. 
    We have a non committee member who has offered her help with organising the March all day heritage event. 
    WE NEED MORE ADMIN help – secretarial and website help
    so we get talks arranged, the posters and diary entries done, social media posts, emails out to members, community engagement generally. 
    With your help we could have had an entry at the St Conans Kirk Christmas tree festival again, and we would love to create new display boards – a blank canvass to work on. 
    With some historical research experience and some website expertise we could look at developing an online local history resource – with project management volunteers this could be a more ambitious funded project
    There really is a role for many different skills. 
    If a few people offer a little bit of time, their experience and expertise we can share the load together . and continue building on the 60 years of legacy we are responsible for. If you cannot immediately join the committee, or would rather volunteer to the side, you are very much welcome. 
    We generally meet in person in Benderloch, but online connections are easy to facilitate. 

    All are Welcome to our meetings
    Membership has not changed from £10 single / £15 couples and family for quite some years, and includes the winter lecture series and summer events (it is possible that some summer events could have additional costs if more involved) 
    We ask for a donation of £3 per talk for non members. 

    Jill Bowis
    Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society  

    Agenda for the AGM 2024 

    Minutes of the AGM 2023 

    Accounts for the AGM 2024